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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The legion of kauravas

when we refer to kauravas we need to to say the prince of kuru or hastinapura.So both Kauravas and pandavas eminently fall under the branch of kauravas.
Let us discuss each and every character.
Dhritarashtra:Dhritarashtra, represents Manas, the Sense Mind, or the Blind Mind, that which is without discriminating power; hence Dhritarashta is born blind, from Ambika and Vyasa. He has two wives.

Gandhari, his first wife, represents the Power of Desires.But desires covers the eye with a black cloak.This means desires are fulfilled by the eyes of the beholder.The desires have no eyes where to go.When a woman buys a rich diamond set it is she who sets her eyes on the diamond which is the object of desire;not vice versa. - Vaishya, his second wife, represents the Attachment of Desires

Duryodhana:Duryodhana, represents Material Desire. He is the firstborn of the 100 sons of Dhritarashtra, with his wife Gandhari. His name is derived from the Sanskrit word dur meaning difficult and yudh meaning to fight. Hence he becomes the king and leader of the Kauravas, the king and leader of all worldly enjoyments. - The 100 sons represent the 100 offspring of the blind sense-mind. These consist of the 5 sense instruments of perception: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch; and the five sense instruments of action: speech, manual ability, locomotion, procreation and excretion. Each of these ten, have ten tendencies or propensities; hence 100 offspring.
He represents the mind that is lost under the evil effect of vice (shakuni);But we see that no one abandons duryodhana inspite of knowing the very fate of the battle.Battle is symolic of our inner conflicts.Most of us continue to live seemingly unknowing of our senses ;our talents ;our akin qualities but that does not mean our senses abandon us.Duryodhana rules in all of us buys us all the formidable glory gets the support of the sixth sense(karna).We see even a stubborn mind lives with the strong notion of sixth sense which help us take choices in life .Often this choices mislead that leads to the untimely death of the mind and also the sixth sense of perception.

Yuyutsu is born from Dhritarashtra’s second wife, Vaishya. He represents the Desire to give Psychological battle.It is apt that he fights in favor of the pandavas.

Pandu, represents Buddhi, the pure discriminating intelligence, the positive aspect of the mind.But pandu is feeble.The positive aspect of the mind easily dies down if it cannot come to terms to certain prerequisite terms and defined notions.The positive mind is isolated ;pandu stays in forest .Postive mind looses to desires as and when he cannot make ends meet or tries to immerse himself in a separate individual. He has two wives. - Kunti, the first wife, represents the Power of Dispassion (free from emotion or Prejudice) - Madri, the second wife, represents the Power of attachment to Dispassion.Madri dies along side pandu attachment persists even to death.

Pandu had 5 sons, 3 from Kunti and 2 from Madri. The 5 sons represent the 5 Tattvas or elements that make up all matter: ether, air, fire, water and earth. The five elements are not elements as defined by science, instead they are five subtle vibratory forces into which the Creative Force differentiates itself. Within the spinal column of man are five subtle centers of consciousness, called Chakras that create and sustain this body. These chakras also bestow divine powers to an enlightened person who has awakened the spiritual consciousness within.

The three sons of Kunti represent the Vishuddha Chakra (cervical), Anahata Chakra (heart), and the Manipura Chakra (lumbar). The two sons of Madri represent the Swadhisthana Chakra (sacral) and Muladhara Chakra (coccyx). The structure of the spinal cord also shows a differentiation supporting the divisions of the three sons of Kunti, with the two sons of Madri. The spinal column extends to the level of the lumbar vertebrae, as one solid structure. From the lower lumbar to the coccyx, the spinal nerves with their ganglia, extend downwards like the tail of a horse, and has been named cauda equina (horses tail). It has the same origin, (as in having the same father) but are at the same time different. They are the location of the 2 sons of Madri. Also significant to the spiritual aspirant (Sadhaka), is the function of the first three chakras, versus the last two. The first three are important in the inner spiritual activities of the Sadhaka; the lower two, are important for the purification of his external activities.

Yudhistir, is Divine Calmness or Divine Discrimination and the Ether Element in the Cervical Center or Vishuddha Chakra. Ether remains unchanged, and undisturbed by the violent plays of nature’s forces. Similarly, waves of sensual or emotional desires that can ripple the consciousness, and distort perception, have no effect on Yudhistir. He is the power of comparison between good and evil. He is the common sense that perceives all that is virtuous. He is the son of Dharma.Dharma persists in attaining moksha.Dharma is undettered by the maya of life and persist after death.I intend to write more about yudhishtira.

Bhima, is Prana, the Power of Vitality, the Air Element in the Dorsal Center, or Anahata Chakra. Hence why Vyasaji wrote that he is the son of the God Vayu, the God of Wind. The aspiring Sadhaka, practices his Pranayama that is controlled by this center, thereby calming the breath and controlling the mind and all of its sense objects.

Arjuna, is Self-Control, the Fire Element in the Lumbar Center or Manipura Chakra. This center is for the purification of mind and body, making intense meditation possible. Arjuna is seen as the chief devotee of Lord Krishna, because he represents self-control, patience and determination, without which, no spiritual progress is possible. This center provides the fire-force of mental and bodily strength to ward off the attack of the sense forces of materialism and sense-bound body consciousness.

Nakula, is Adherence, the Power to Obey Rules of Dharma, the Water Element in the Sacral Center, or Swadhishthana Chakra. Adherence to Dharmic principles, allows the Sadhaka to control mental tendencies.

Sahadeva, is Restraint, the Earth Element in the Coccyx Center, or Muladhara Chakra. He is the Power of Resistance by which restless outer sense organs can be controlled.

The other characters amidst the kauravas remain solemnly silent though we can learn more about this charcters in detail in the later section.dusyasana can be of significance.He represents Dur means difficult and syasana means lack of control.Dusyasana unrobes and disesteems "draupadi" a perfect representation of mind.The layers of robes represents the layers of mind which is far too complex to unfold as it has many layers.

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