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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Science behind unknowns in hinduism

Hindustani music is often denoted by raginis to god .Pushan is the lover of his sister Shurya [Rg Ved VI.55.4] [Apte 11].Pushan is the sun diety;the source of life,the god of posessions guiding spirits to the other world as day and night and carrying a golden lance.the sun stays in capricorn in the zodiacal month of december 22
surya and pushan are the names given to sun based on the positions
Thus nature has played a significant role in the analysis of the vedic civilization and culture.In the 1900 BC under the effect of massive flood and earthquake river indus and saraswati changed their course that led to massive migration.Saraswati bound north east while indus went west.Abraham came from book of ur the chaldeans and the book of genesis.Chaldeans was an ancient brahmin caste of the indus civilization who lived in large no in afghanisthan.
Abraham wife and consort were sarah(sarai a name of saraswati) and hagar(ghaggar or hakra :a tributory of saraswati river)
His sons were Ishmael(Is+mahal= meaning great shiva_ and issac(ishakhu friend of shiva)
Abraham was a shaivaite hindu brahmin as like many of the indus valley followers
Shaivaite hinduism that he and the other brahmins introduced was called tsabaism a religion of pre islamic arabia.The arabians praise their deities in the kaaba or the kabaali for their deities.
Kabaaliswaran temples are their still in south india who praise the hindu god shiva.
kaba in sanskrit also meant garba griha.the kabaa at times was also called haram in hindu culture hariyam meant residence of god vishnu which is also an important find in history
Shiva was the patron deity of the quraysh tribe of the mohammed.Inside the holy kabba pictures reveal that the muslims venerate the lingam even to this day.people need to take a counter clockwise cicumbulation oft the kabaa even to this day unlike any other mosques.the holy shrine follows the path of circumbulation of energy noted at hindu scales.Mecca the hub of muslim religion was close to the makkheshvari other name for lord shiva.Makka medin in sanskrit means the element of fire worship another name for the worship of lord shiva.
Mohammed belonged to theQuraysh tribe Kuru ish tribe a noted fighter tribe of the mahabhratas;Mohammed uncles were priests at the kabba temple.

The power of Brahma(divine consciousness) is called Saraswati.When the power is united with Brahma....The terminology is called wife.When the power comes from the same source, then it is called sister.So Saraswati is both sister and wife.These termonologies are vedic terminology.People interpret it as incest.Brahma and Goddess Saraiswati are not human beings nor born on earth but it means divine consciousness and it's power. These termonologies are vedic terminology.People interpret it as incest and without resemblance.
Islam has Vedic Hindu roots. Vedic Hinduism was brought to ancient arabia by Indian colonisers and flourished there for several centuries until the violent rise of Islam. But it did not vanish altogether. Ironically Islam - the religion that eclipsed it - has preserved its ancient traditions. Islam is the Vedic Hinduism of ancient Arabia sans its gods and goddesses.
One of the sories are from abraham hindu brahma which means to multiply...

The bible gives two stories of Abraham. In this first version, Abraham told Pharaoh that he was lying when he introduced Sarai as his sister. In the second version, he also told the king of Gerar that Sarai was really his sister. However, when the king scolded him for lying, Abraham said that Sarai was in reality both his wife and his sister! "...and yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife." (Genesis 20:12.)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Dharma: a science of aplication of oscillating tendencies

The universe is viewed as three regions of earth, space, and sky which in the hu-
man being are mirrored in the physical body, the breath (prana), and mind.
In the Vedic world view, the processes in the sky, on earth, and within
the mind are taken to be connected. The Vedic seers were aware that all
descriptions of the universe lead to logical paradox. The one category tran-
scending all oppositions was termed brahman. Understanding the nature
of consciousness was of paramount importance in this view but this did
not mean that other sciences were ignored. Vedic ritual was a symbolic retelling of this world view.
Vedic instruction is to dedicate oneself to the service of the Godhead., ksara and aksara:the pure liberated soul and the soul who is struggling in matter. When liberated and non-liberated persons are mixed within the world of material
transactions, whether as moving or non-moving entities, or whatever their position might be, still they should be considered persons. Since every-
thing is a unit of consciousness, everything has personal existence.
There are two covers: the exploiting tendency and the renouncing tendency — karma and jnana — the exploiting spirit and the tendency for knowledge that
leads to liberation.
The question of energy and power is important in the mortal world, but in the constant and eternal world, this sort of energy has no value. That plane
is composed of eternal substance. It is not like this troubling plane which is always breaking, always disappearing, always disappointing, and full of
treachery. That divine plane is constant. Life goes on there without any need of food, rest, or medicine. There is no need of the labor to earn bread in that
All these things are not necessary in a plane of reality where everything is permanent and of eternal value. All these problems which are making
us madly busy are  easily eliminated in one stroke.That is the nature of that plane. And if we realize that we are members of that plane, then the question
becomes, what to do? How to approach the higher realm? That will be our problem. We cannot force our entry there; we must be granted a visa. We cannot
master that finer realm — we must allow ourselves to be utilized by it. In other words we must come to the position of slavery. We shall have to realize that
mastership here in the mortal world is a curse, and the slavery in that higher world is a boon.  The exploiting tendency and the  renouncing tendency — karma and jnana — the ex- ploiting spirit and the tendency for knowledge that leads to liberation. They are not proper elements of our soul, of our real entity; they are only covers. And by our serving association with the Srimad-Bhagaatam and the devotee, they are uncovered, and the continuous flow of Krsna consciousness within comes out.As mortal beings  we are living in the plane of misconception. The whole thing is false. It is all a part of illusion. Within the world of illusion, some thing may have its place, but when we deal with the real truth, however, we will conclude that everything here is like a dream. This whole world is like a dream, a misconception. Any part of this world will therefore also be misconception. What is real, what is truth, will become apparent when a thing is judged in con- nection with the real world. The association of saints who have a genuine connection with spiritual reality promotes this transaction.
What is real and what is unreal? Whatever has a con- nection with the real self, with the soul, is real. Soul is consciousness in the world of pure consciousness.
Whatever is connected with the mind in the mental world of false ego is all false. A part of the false is also false, extremely false. But it has got its negative util-
ity for a deeper nature, our self-identification, through self-determination. In Hegel’s language, self-determination is the fulfillment of all of us. Self-
determination is the ignorance and also the baton of the self.Ignorance and wit is the shield and sword of the self.
If the mind knows everything the mind gets burdened with the self.If the mind is ignorant of important realizations we loose the power to decide.
The power to decide while oscillating in the two tendencies discussed earlier is the will of the  dharma .The power of dharma is not in a single hand but comes as a function of time through thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. The result of dharma is the expansion of truth as dynamic; it develops and makes progress.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Aryan Invasion theory:The start of the hypocrisy of European cultural imperialism

Earlier Blogs of mine tried to solemnize the strength of modern management and cognitive science as depicted in the vedas and mahabharata
This blog will be an  added compilation to the previous existing assimilations which many scientist,philosophers and motivated writers have given to express their ideas of India and hinduism.n this connexion there was a multitude of  bĂȘte noire which cast their  shadow on much of the early writing on ancient India.
It is of no surprise that early indologists and historians credited European culture to be the origin of Vedic civilization motivated on the lies of aryan invasion.Yet history refuses to be kind to these enchanted scholars, as archaeological, scientific, genetic and cultural blueprints  continues to mount against their erroneous “Aryan Invasion Theory." laid down famously by European scholars for their establishment of a royal blood line in europe.
Facts which cast serious doubt on
the Aryan Invasion Theory
• There is no evidence of an Aryan homeland outside of India mentioned anywhere in the Vedas. On the contrary, the Vedas speak of the mighty Sarasvati
River and other places indigenous to India. To date, no evidence for a foreign intrusion has been found, neither archaeological, linguistic, cultural, nor ge-
netic. Max Muller, the principal architect of the Aryan In- vasion theory, admitted the purely speculative nature of his Vedic chronology, and in his last work pub-
lished shortly before his death, The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy, he wrote:
“Whatever may be the date of the Vedic hymns, whether 15 hundred or 15,000 B.C.E., they have their own unique place and stand by themselves in the literature of the world.” 

• There are more than 2,500 archaeological sites, two-thirds of which are along the more recently discovered dried up Sarasvati River bed. These sites show a cultural continuity with the Vedic literature from early Harrapan civilization up to the present. 
• Several independent studies of the drying up of the Sarasvati River bed, all indicate the same time period of 1,900 B.C.E.
• The significance of establishing this date for the drying up of the Sarasvati River is that it pushes the date for the composition of the Rig Veda back to ap-
proximately 3,000 B.C.E., as enunciated by the Vedic tradition itself.
• The late dating of the Vedic literatures by indologists is based on speculated dates of 1,500 B.C.E. for the Aryan Invasion and 1,200 B.C.E. for the Rig
Veda, both now disproved by scientific evidence.

Unlike Europe, India was not a country that denied science in favor of religion, contrasting knowledge and faith as conflicting opposites. India viewed
spirituality as the highest science through which we can directly know the true nature of reality, which itself is conscious and aware, not simply an
inert external object or force. On this basis, even India’s outer sciences like medicine and astronomy have an inner basis as yogic paths, ways of under-
standing the cosmic mind, energy and processes. Max Muller, perhaps the most well known early sanskritist and indologist, although later in life
he glorified the Vedas, initially wrote that the “Vedas were worse than savage” and “India must be conquered again by education... it’s religion is
doomed.” Thomas Macaulay, who introduced English education into India, wanted to make the residents into a race that was:
“Indian in blood and color, but English in taste, in opinion, in morals, and in intellect.”However, the famed German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer stated that the Sanskrit understanding of these indologists was like that of
young schoolboys.
he Aryan Invasion Theory Defined
• Devised the Aryan Invasion Theory, denying India’s •
 Vedic Aryans entered India between 1,500 and    Vedic past. 1,200 B.C.
• They taught that the English educational system is
 • They conquered the native Dravidian culture by virtue of their superiority due to their horses and iron    weapons
• They intentionally misinterpreted sanskrit texts to make the Vedas look primitive.
• They systematically tried to make Indians ashamed of their own culture.
• Thus the actions of these indologists seems to indicate that they were motivated by a racial bias.
Innumerable archaeological findings and their analysis have recently brought the Aryan Invasion Theory into serious question. This theory is still taught as
fact in many educational systems, despite much contrary evidence.
• They imported the Vedic culture and it’s literatures.
• This Aryan Invasion Theory, however, deprives the inhabitants of India of their Vedic heritage. The wealth of their culture came from foreign soil.
The Aryan Invasion Theory raises an interesting dilemna called Frawleys Paradox: On the one hand we have the vast Vedic literature without any archaeological finds associated with them and on the other hand, we have more than 2,500 archaeological sites from the Indus-Sarasvata civilization without any literature associated with them.
Using modern scientific methods, such as satellite imagery and dating techniques, it can be shown that the ancient statements of the Vedas are factual, not mythical as erroneously propagated. High resolution satellite images have verified descriptions in The Rig Veda of the descent of the ancient Sarasvati River from it’s source in the Himalayas to the Arabian Sea.
Many scientific studies have authenticated the argument of inland vedic system and not brought from some foreign source.
• Marine archaeology of underwater sites (such as
• Satellite imagery of the Indus-Sarasvata River sys-
• Carbon and thermoluminiscence dating of archaeo-
logical artifacts
• Scientific verification of scriptural statements
• Linguistic analysis of scripts found on archaeologi-
cal artifacts
• A study of cultural continuity in all these categories.

The Mahabharata also describes three cities given to
the Pandavas, the heroes of the Mahabharata, after
their exile:
Paniprastha, Sonaprastha and Indraprastha, which
is Delhi’s Puranaqila. These sites have been identi-
fied and yielded pottery & antiquities, which show
a cultural consistency & dating consistent for the
Mahabharata period, again verifying statements re-
corded in the Vedic literatures.
The Iron Pillar of Delhi
The Vedic literatures contain descriptions of ad-
vanced scientific techniques, sometimes even more
sophisticated than those used in our modern techno-
logical world.
Modern metallurgists have not been able to produce
iron of comparable quality to the 22 foot high Iron
Pillar of Delhi, which is the largest hand forged block
of iron from antiquity.
This pillar stands at mute testimony to the highly ad-
vanced scientific knowledge of metallurgy that was
known in ancient India. Cast in approximately the
3rd century B.C.E., the six and a half ton pillar, over
two millennia has resisted all rust and even a direct
hit by the artillary of the invading army of Nadir Shah
during his sacking of Delhi in 1737.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Misconceptions about casteism from hindu religions

At the present time in India, there are more than 2800 castes and subcastes. In Vedic times, there were only four castes. So between the period of about 3500 years, Hindus have thrown out the original caste system and have evolved now to a new form of caste system.
In modern India, people are not much bothered about caste unless it comes to election and marriage. People are throwing out the old thoughts of caste system. Modern Indian society is inclining towards a money-centered society instead of a caste-centered society.

 I think is ancient Hindus were advanced in science and technology that including genetics. They knew that these are the genes (not exactly but something like that) which controls the properties of a human being like skin, color, hair, inclination for job (whether he is a fighter or a labor etc.), nature, diseases, etc. At that time, there were no laboratories to take a blood sample and identify the genes, but they had developed another way of finding it out and that was Janma Kundali or Janma Patrika. Janma Patrika is sketched based on the positions of stars, planets, and nakshatras at the time of birth of a person. If you have ever seen a Janma Patrika or if you have ever shown it to a priest who has profound knowledge about it, he will easily tell the characteristics of a person like skin color, nature, job prospectus, and a lot of other things without seeing that person. I have personally experienced this many times.
I am giving a few examples here what I have experienced:
1. Since my childhood I wanted to join either armed force or police force, I did not know why. Unless and until a few years back, I did not even consider any other career. I tried my best to join armed forces but unfortunately I could not. (My Varna is Kshatriay according to my Janma Patrika which means warrior).
2. My brother always wanted to be a businessman. Though he could not, he is still trying to become one. Actually, he likes business from the heart (His varna is Vaishya according to his Janma Patrika).
3. One of my friends wants to do business at any cost. Right now, he is working and doing a small business also for which he has to work about 16-18 hours a day. He thinks each and every thing in terms of a business (He is also a Vaishya according to his Janma Patrika).
These are very few examples. I have seen the Janma Patrika up to 90% accurate in some cases but I am not sure how one can tell future of a person from Janma Kundali.
In conclusion, what I want to tell is that it is quite possible that the occupation of a person was decided in ancient India based on Janma Kundali as the Janma Kundali was considered as your gene map (if you think in modern terms). Only the technique to find characteristics of a person was different.
But in the flow of time, people might have started misusing it as it is very hard to know who was born at what time, and Janma Kundali can easily be manipulated by a person who has knowledge about it. So, people at that time must have decided to allot a job to a person based on which family he is born instead of his Janma Patrika as the next generation carries genes of the ancestors. For example, if a person was born in a Shudra family, he had to do labor work and if a person was born in a Brahmin family, he had to do priestly works.
Christians and islams too segregated themselves to casts and outfits to gain leverage in the modern society.Brahmins too got treated by nepotist outfits who created the superiority for brahmins and gae themselves self rewarding halos of strength and wisdom.They asked people to judge natures through prism of caste system and people with their eyes never understood the light but segregation of the spectrum by which they divided not on functionality but family name to give themselves an identity.

According to Raja Ram Mohan Roy, author of Vedic Physics,  "The knowledge contained in the Vedas is very abstruse, and is well beyond the comprehension of ordinary human beings. Therefore Vedic sages coded the knowledge in a simple form in which it could be understood by everyone. The Rig Veda itself testifies that it has a hidden meaning in verse 4.3.16. Sage Bharata in his Natyasastra  2.23 refers to the sages who knew the hidden meaning of the Vedas. This coding of knowledge proved to be very successful in disseminating the knowledge to common folks. This would also explain why extraordinary steps were taken to preserve the Vedas, and the honor given to the Vedas by Hindus, even though its meaning is little understood today. "On the eve of the "Mahabharata War" our ancestors believed that their knowledge was in danger of being lost. They could have written it down, but writings could be destroyed. Therefore, it was memorized and passed on orally. Today, the Avesta, religious scripture of ancient Iranians, only a fraction of it is available. Alexander captured Iran in 326 B.C. and after a bloody war, destroyed each copy of the Avesta available."
Christians and muslims claim themsleves free from this but in india  have divided themselves over regions. There are groups like Goan Christian, UP Christian, Catholics, Marathi Christians, Keralite Christians, and a lot. People from these groups consider themselves as superior to each other, which is totally against their religion.
Clearly, this has nothing to do with Islam or Christianity. It is the side effect of Hindu caste system, which has penetrated through other religions also.

Hindu spirituality and motivation wih OM

I always asked myself the question what is the link between spirituality and science:
Science and belief:Religion and belief.
Belief and Practise.If we practise then the act is not of perversion but of will and understanding.Many cults promote social drinking,pleasing gods through sacrifice as a ritual and this in turn gets promoted as an act of religion.
Who teaches whats right and whats wrong practise and as we practise we come across a better realization of self.Hinduism like many other religions promotes the strength behind what we do and what we intend to do. To practise and enhance self.
This brings us to the bond between self and sprituality.
We can define sprituality and self to be like ying and yang of hinduism.The couple that holds each other as well as empties in each other.
When we say empties we mean that when spirituality of a person is enhancced the self holds to learn by emptying the mind from all posessions.When the self of a person gets enhanced;sprituality plays the role of an anchor holding the person in every nook and turn and emptying as an entity  into the being.This brings us to the concept of shunya where the sum total of self and sprituality is all consuming yet zero as they mutually cancel the negative by standing as an empty vessel.
Well lets not delve deeper into the concepts but the practises behind scientfic hinduism and their self study.

1: Pronounciation of "Om" in proper way- this process helps in inhaling maximum oxygen in body which is benfitial for body and health.Shank phookana good for phephde(lung)&make strong.
Gayatri mantra if practiced regularly and with proper way can do wonders. Gayatri mantra is a purely scientific thing. The words in the Gayatri mantra produce 24 kinds of vibration
which has effect on the 24 glands of our body.
2: Chandan (sandlewood) tilak or lining is applied on our body hot spot that is on forehead which cools our head and body, red is symbol of blood and haldi (turmeric) is antibiotic
3: Keeping choti at back of head- it works like an antenna , which increses sensitivity.
4: Palmistry (Jyotishastra) is based on movement of planet.Every planet has its own effect on human body .Our body contain 70-80% water, which reacts like sea water to amavsya and purnima due to Moon & generates high & low tide similarly other planets elliptical movement also effects sea water & our body in similar way.
5: Yog and Prayanam is based most of birds and animals action and activities. Brammuhart me puja ya darshan ko sabase jyada mahavapurna mana kyoki niyamit yoga,prayanam,dhyan good for health,jaldi sona v jaldi jagna bhi
6:Ganga's water contains maximum oxygen among Indian subcontinent rivers and Ganga's water remains fresh for longer time. Many Mughal Bhadshah drunk only Ganga's water.
From ancient time copper ke bartan ka pani pina pachan kriya ke liye achha hota hai,iron pots are good for cooking purpose and health . vo dhatuvigayan ke jankar the adikal se.
7:Pipal & Bard tree releases maximum oxygen among other trees. so we worship and protected
8:Cow's flesh is not suitable for human being. Cow gives us milk, calf,ox and bull . Its dunkcakes (gober) is used as fertiliser.
 :Shivling & Yoni symbol of maximum pleasure. Worship the nature,shakti(kanya).
10:Varna Vvastha in its early stage was based on karm(work). Not by birth .
11:Tulsi,Neem etc is medicinal plant.
12:Ayurvedic medicines are made by part of plants and animals extract and it has no side effect on human body,or minimum.Few surgey also like kshar sutr for piles, bhagnder.etc
13:Yagya & Havan help to cleans the atomsphere.
14:Music&dance for pleasure and concentration.
15:Sanskrit -In this language the words is written as its is pronounced.It may be use as computer language because it is perfect as java
16:Fast, once in a weak,fortnightly or in a month is benefit for stomach & health.
17. a) Balayakal- upto age 25- play, learn, live in displine.
b) Grasth- fr 25-50 enjoy the life ,live socially
c) Vanprasth- fr50-75get rid of social, family resopbility
d) Sanyas-fr 75 service of God and welfare of society
18. Charan shaparsh - bade ke prati adar,physical exercise and touch therapy.
19. Festival mostly based on starting or change of wheather -varshakal SAWAN sheetakal DASHERA vasantritu MAKAR SANKRANT,POGAL,BIHU.LOHADI grishamkal HOLI, and DEEPAVALI on amawasya

Purpose of the word OM in scientifc modernity

Dr. Hans Jenny, a pioneer in the field of cymatics, the study of the interrelation-ship between energy and matter, conducted a series of experiments on the Hindu mantra “OM”, utilizing a tonoscope which is a device that transforms sounds into their visual representations on a screen. Dr Jenny found that when “OM” was correctly intoned into a tonoscope, a circle appeared which is then filled in with concentric squares and triangles, finally producing, as the last traces of the ‘M’ disappear from the screen, the core structure of the Sri Chakra. These experiments are a scientific confirmation of what the Rishis had cognized.  Dr. Hans Jenny made use of crystal oscillators and an invention of his own by the name of the tonoscope to set these plates and membranes vibrating. The tonoscope was constructed to make the human voice visible without any electronic apparatus as an intermediate link. This yielded the amazing possibility of being able to see the physical image of the vowel, tone or song a human being directly produced. Making it possible for us not only to hear the melody but infact to see it.
Dr. Jenny called this new area of research Cymatics, which comes from the Greek kyma, wave. Cymatics could be translated as: the study of how vibrations, in the broad sense, generate and influence patterns, shapes and moving processes. In Hans Jenny’s tonoscope experiments the sounding of ‘OM’ produces the circle O which is then filled in with concentric squares and triangles, finally producing (when last traces of sound have died away) the geometric expression of sacred vibration found in many religions around the globe. In his research with the tonoscope, Jenny noticed that when the vowels of the ancient languages of Hebrew and Sanskrit were pronounced, the sand took the shape of the written symbols for these vowels. Experimentation with modern languages general produced chaos. Is it possible that the ancient Hebrews and Indians knew this? Could there be something to the concept of “sacred language?” Would other sacred languages produce similar results i.e. Tibetan, Egyptian or Chinese. These languages have always proposed that they have the capacity to influence and transform physical reality through the recitation or chanting of sacred syllables and mantras.