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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Aryan Invasion theory:The start of the hypocrisy of European cultural imperialism

Earlier Blogs of mine tried to solemnize the strength of modern management and cognitive science as depicted in the vedas and mahabharata
This blog will be an  added compilation to the previous existing assimilations which many scientist,philosophers and motivated writers have given to express their ideas of India and hinduism.n this connexion there was a multitude of  bête noire which cast their  shadow on much of the early writing on ancient India.
It is of no surprise that early indologists and historians credited European culture to be the origin of Vedic civilization motivated on the lies of aryan invasion.Yet history refuses to be kind to these enchanted scholars, as archaeological, scientific, genetic and cultural blueprints  continues to mount against their erroneous “Aryan Invasion Theory." laid down famously by European scholars for their establishment of a royal blood line in europe.
Facts which cast serious doubt on
the Aryan Invasion Theory
• There is no evidence of an Aryan homeland outside of India mentioned anywhere in the Vedas. On the contrary, the Vedas speak of the mighty Sarasvati
River and other places indigenous to India. To date, no evidence for a foreign intrusion has been found, neither archaeological, linguistic, cultural, nor ge-
netic. Max Muller, the principal architect of the Aryan In- vasion theory, admitted the purely speculative nature of his Vedic chronology, and in his last work pub-
lished shortly before his death, The Six Systems of Indian Philosophy, he wrote:
“Whatever may be the date of the Vedic hymns, whether 15 hundred or 15,000 B.C.E., they have their own unique place and stand by themselves in the literature of the world.” 

• There are more than 2,500 archaeological sites, two-thirds of which are along the more recently discovered dried up Sarasvati River bed. These sites show a cultural continuity with the Vedic literature from early Harrapan civilization up to the present. 
• Several independent studies of the drying up of the Sarasvati River bed, all indicate the same time period of 1,900 B.C.E.
• The significance of establishing this date for the drying up of the Sarasvati River is that it pushes the date for the composition of the Rig Veda back to ap-
proximately 3,000 B.C.E., as enunciated by the Vedic tradition itself.
• The late dating of the Vedic literatures by indologists is based on speculated dates of 1,500 B.C.E. for the Aryan Invasion and 1,200 B.C.E. for the Rig
Veda, both now disproved by scientific evidence.

Unlike Europe, India was not a country that denied science in favor of religion, contrasting knowledge and faith as conflicting opposites. India viewed
spirituality as the highest science through which we can directly know the true nature of reality, which itself is conscious and aware, not simply an
inert external object or force. On this basis, even India’s outer sciences like medicine and astronomy have an inner basis as yogic paths, ways of under-
standing the cosmic mind, energy and processes. Max Muller, perhaps the most well known early sanskritist and indologist, although later in life
he glorified the Vedas, initially wrote that the “Vedas were worse than savage” and “India must be conquered again by education... it’s religion is
doomed.” Thomas Macaulay, who introduced English education into India, wanted to make the residents into a race that was:
“Indian in blood and color, but English in taste, in opinion, in morals, and in intellect.”However, the famed German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer stated that the Sanskrit understanding of these indologists was like that of
young schoolboys.
he Aryan Invasion Theory Defined
• Devised the Aryan Invasion Theory, denying India’s •
 Vedic Aryans entered India between 1,500 and    Vedic past. 1,200 B.C.
• They taught that the English educational system is
 • They conquered the native Dravidian culture by virtue of their superiority due to their horses and iron    weapons
• They intentionally misinterpreted sanskrit texts to make the Vedas look primitive.
• They systematically tried to make Indians ashamed of their own culture.
• Thus the actions of these indologists seems to indicate that they were motivated by a racial bias.
Innumerable archaeological findings and their analysis have recently brought the Aryan Invasion Theory into serious question. This theory is still taught as
fact in many educational systems, despite much contrary evidence.
• They imported the Vedic culture and it’s literatures.
• This Aryan Invasion Theory, however, deprives the inhabitants of India of their Vedic heritage. The wealth of their culture came from foreign soil.
The Aryan Invasion Theory raises an interesting dilemna called Frawleys Paradox: On the one hand we have the vast Vedic literature without any archaeological finds associated with them and on the other hand, we have more than 2,500 archaeological sites from the Indus-Sarasvata civilization without any literature associated with them.
Using modern scientific methods, such as satellite imagery and dating techniques, it can be shown that the ancient statements of the Vedas are factual, not mythical as erroneously propagated. High resolution satellite images have verified descriptions in The Rig Veda of the descent of the ancient Sarasvati River from it’s source in the Himalayas to the Arabian Sea.
Many scientific studies have authenticated the argument of inland vedic system and not brought from some foreign source.
• Marine archaeology of underwater sites (such as
• Satellite imagery of the Indus-Sarasvata River sys-
• Carbon and thermoluminiscence dating of archaeo-
logical artifacts
• Scientific verification of scriptural statements
• Linguistic analysis of scripts found on archaeologi-
cal artifacts
• A study of cultural continuity in all these categories.

The Mahabharata also describes three cities given to
the Pandavas, the heroes of the Mahabharata, after
their exile:
Paniprastha, Sonaprastha and Indraprastha, which
is Delhi’s Puranaqila. These sites have been identi-
fied and yielded pottery & antiquities, which show
a cultural consistency & dating consistent for the
Mahabharata period, again verifying statements re-
corded in the Vedic literatures.
The Iron Pillar of Delhi
The Vedic literatures contain descriptions of ad-
vanced scientific techniques, sometimes even more
sophisticated than those used in our modern techno-
logical world.
Modern metallurgists have not been able to produce
iron of comparable quality to the 22 foot high Iron
Pillar of Delhi, which is the largest hand forged block
of iron from antiquity.
This pillar stands at mute testimony to the highly ad-
vanced scientific knowledge of metallurgy that was
known in ancient India. Cast in approximately the
3rd century B.C.E., the six and a half ton pillar, over
two millennia has resisted all rust and even a direct
hit by the artillary of the invading army of Nadir Shah
during his sacking of Delhi in 1737.

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