Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious are One People usually think we have a conscious and subconscious mind that are apart from each other. The
truth is, it is all consciousness. It is all one mind. What we think of as one aspect of the subconscious is actually an inner level of consciousness. By
moving our awareness inwards, we make the unconscious conscious. We begin to know what we are really conscious of at a deeper level. This is how we tune into our intuition. Inner consciousness is more powerful than outer consciousness. For that reason, you could say that the subconscious is greater than consciousness. But the definition of consciousness being used here is the total and true one. It is the Awareness Consciousness. It can move across different dimensions of the
mind. It can travel inwards and outwards. The subconscious is also the consciousness of the body. The body is another aspect of the subconscious mind. Our physiology affects our emotions because when we do something with our body, we are causing
it to think in a certain way. Our body is a different form of mind existing and working together alongside ours. We can say that this aspect of subconscious is a lower form of consciousness than our own. The mind of our body is servant to the mind of our inner being. When we move our awareness inwards to the level of the superconscious, we can hear the voice of God. That is where we get divine inspiration and guidance. Intuition gets clearer and more powerful at this level.
The superconscious is the universal mind. It has two aspects. The first aspect is that it is infinite intelligence that governs the whole universe. The second is that it is the collective consciousness of everyone and everything that exist in all levels of reality. The totality of all mind which is in existence.
The superconscious is also the consciousness of our spirit which is a part of the first aspect. It operates at a highly increased rate where in a moment when our consciousness is shifted to that state, we perceive time slowing down and all our thoughts and decisions can happen in a split second that would have been impossible in normal rate of consciousness. When we move our awareness to the second aspect of the universal mind, we have a sense and realization that everything is connected and everything is one. In that state, we feel at one with the universe. There is no separation. At the level of the superconscious, we can also pick up thoughts and ideas coming from other people’s minds. This explains the phenomena of why when one hundred monkeys in one region of Earth learned to wash potatoes before eating them, all other monkeys in the world began to do the same thing too. The collective consciousness matrix of the mind also explains how psychics are able to locate missing persons or lost items in various places of the world. It explains why there have been cases where a family dog or cat will locate their owner even when separated by a move of thousands of miles. It explains why seventy percent of all dogs in California run away two weeks before an earthquake.The universal mind that is differentiated into our individual mind is what we call our consciousness and
subconscious. Your mind has an autonomous intelligence. When you think of a thought, it sinks into the inner levels of your consciousness. Your consciousness automatically carries out that thought in your reality. You are the programmer and you are the program. You are the programmer within the program. You are the self-programming program.
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