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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Artificial intelligence and computational god explanation through software

This is an article that came up in orkut where the person Shivang Buch explained god in so many ways that sounds interesting
God (Supreme soul) has manufactured various robots/PCs (Bodies) with three self running application software programs (Gunas - viruses and antiviruses) which are also anti softwares of each other. They all are working together in the system. God switches on the network of PCs in the beginning of the kalp and switches off the PC at the end of the kalp and handles himself the server PC.

God has also programmed himself initially as an artificial intelligence system software (Souls - reflection of supreme soul) in all those PCs. This system software has the capability of changing its characteristics (Upgradation and degradation) depending upon which application software it allows to work maximum number of times (Kaaranam gunsangosya, sadasad yoni janmasu). Only in server PC, the application softwares start only at mouse click of the user (Gunateet).

Satva software automatically generates the scraps of love, service, peace and knowledge but it will send them to other's scrapbook only if rajas software is running (Karm) and every scrap sent creates an identity of the sender PC (Ego) visible in every system software and its own macro programs are automatically installed in other PCs. However, it can only catch rajas software of other's PC (Desire to get) and It then transfers the program to be installed in its satva software (Grasping power due to existing knowledge).

Tamas software automatically generates the scraps of hatred, harassment through hacking, destructive virus and laziness but will need rajas software (Action) to spread them and they are installed in tamas software of other's PC (easy Grasping) and thereby making it powerful weekens the satva software.

When Satva after knowing/gnyaan & planning, directs rajas (desire/bhakti & action/karma) towards regaining original form of system software, connectivity of that system software with server PC increases, and ultimately when the connectivity strength is excellent, that system software gains control command dialogue box over application softwares.
And when that client PC gets excellent connectivity with server and also regains its original form when it started, it destroys its hardware and transmits itself through the network in the Server PC.

Now extending the same logic to robots instead of PCs. Robots can stand up, walk, hit and can damage the hardware and system of other robots. They can also repair themselves and components of other robots. When after wear and tear, hardware becomes unusable, it is destroyed by the other robots to get the material after the software leaves the hardware and is lost in the network. The robots can also produce other robots with the help of other robots of opposite nature to complement/supplement each other. They can do so when they can find some software in the network available ready to be downloaded in the hardware they have created. These robot hardwares are of different sizes and shapes and functional abilities and software lost (roaming) in the network after leaving the earlier worn out hardware catch up only that newly produced hardware (Yoni) according to the current status of application software development (Degree of knowledge of soul) since hardware-software compatibility is required. These robots work on electricity/battery (Consciousness) which is provided to them by the administrator/user of the server. This makes them different from other simple materials (Jad padarth - panch mahabhoot) from which they are also made up. These robots exchange materials among themselves like floppies, CDs, Pendrive to run in them entertainment programs in tamas software. They need lubricating material (food) for extended life of their hardwares which they only produce by following the principles of physics and chemistry (In our case biology ).
When the tamas software of one robot tries to damage the hardware (through rajas software & hardware) or software of the hardware within LAN area (through rajas software) of other robot by directing its rajas software, mostly it makes the tamas software of the other robot working very fast which generates the macros which are transmitted in the network. Now these macros can be caught by any robot's system in proximity to the one which was the originator of the action. They can then be run in any software (Satva/rajas or tamas) of that recieving robot. Thus, when the receiving robot comes into contact with the robot originating action, it sends the macro back to that robot. (If it is run through tamas software, sinner gets back the fruit of the sin from anyone with the revengeful, damaging, hating or jealous state of mind - Shikhandi. If it is run through satva software, sinner gets back the fruit of the sin from anyone with the state of mind of sense of duty - Arjun. If it is run through rajas software, sinner gets back the fruit of the sin from anyone with the state of mind of desire of getting something in return)

Now the originator will receive the fruit of his action and will automatically download macro only if the rajas software is working (If desires of fruits are present, bad fruits will also be downloaded automatically along with good fruits for which the network connectivity is kept open. The sender of the fruit will generate a macro in the originator (now damaged by action) some new macro which will be relayed in the system. That means your tamas action through rajas software is bound to come back to you as tamas macro through your rajas software only to make your tamas powerful. God has programmed already that thing to happen out of karma theory unless your desires are completely destroyed and you have become one with server software. One (Robot) has to be only the cause (Nimitt maatra with either state of mind) and one would know that reality only through powerful satva software.

Now we all humans are predominantly rajas softwares (Karm yoni). Desires and actions. Satva without rajas (action & desire) is passive and is completely involved in self only (Samadhi) without interacting with others in the network. Tamas without rajas (action & desire) is also passive and can destroy oneself only through laziness, frustration, depression, etc. This becomes the cause of birth in lower intellect bodies appropriate/compatible for it. But our rajas when combined with tamas (Darkness/agnyaan) leads to anger and damaging actions for others and our rajas when combined with satva (Knowledge/light/sense of duty) serves the society and spreads the message of humanity, love and peace in all through action.

Now question is if everything is done by Gunas, then what is there in our hand?

Intellect (Observer & consent giver).

We are given the intellect to educate and control our mind and senses which are the root cause of desires (or organs of desires). We have to drive them towards right kind of desires through our satva. Divine desires. Desire for seeking God/self realization. Bhakti. Love. Whenever our satva (Knowledge) is developed, we have to grow it and make the best use of it by using our mind and senses in involvement. Whenever our tamas is developed, we have to become careful to control it by controlling our mind by keeping them away from attachments.

Being our yoni mainly rajas yoni, yagn procedure is recommended by vedas. We all have desires we can't deny that. So we have to perform actions (Parishram) rather than depending on others. We should give more and first. Then only we should take what we wanted. If our action was righteous, our satva (Knowledge) grows and we realize that what we wanted was inferior value or desire of life. So we perform another yagn by sacrificing what now we have to get thing of higher quality. That way by performing righteous action in duty bound way, one leads one's rajo gun towards saturation stage achieving highest desire of peace of mind. (Adhyay 3)
In management, same thing is mentioned in Maslow's pyramid theory.
In Ramayan serial, such state of saturation after karmas performed, at various places is called as "Poorn kaam" sthiti.

In Geeta Adhyay 6, Shloka 27, the words used for the same are "Prashaant manasam" and "Shaant rajasam".
In simple terms,
Satva means knowledge which drives our desires to be better and superior towards state of nishkaam bhaav. Satva makes itself powerful by providing strength to rajas while performing action and satisfying lower level need in a proper and controlled manner to gain further knowledge that it was not the ultimate need and thereby seeking higher need.
Tamas means lack of knowdedge which drives desires to be worse and inferior towards all bodily and physical needs (animals). Tamas makes itself powerful because it has tight hold over people in enjoyment of sensual pleasures and entertainment activities which people never like to leave with the help of rajas for making its desire and achieving it.
Good desires lead to good action and bad desires lead to bad action. Rajas leads to performing of action motivated by desires. Rajas itelf makes itself powerful. Stronger is the need, more it is converted into passion and stronger will be the coming action.
Among animals, udhyam (Parishram) when they have to hunt or search for food is rajas (Activity). Certain extremely tamas creatures with minimum rajas depend exclusively on other animal's hunt. The beauty and power in them is satva which makes them giving pleasure to man. Some of them serve man as carrier or by giving milk. Some possess sense of loyalty. Some possess sense of giving return.Some possess sense of bravery. Almost all (though not all) possess sense of motherhood and familyhood. Some of them have better memory power than man.
I feel this is the great theory part of Geeta which is not covered in Bhagwad Gita episodes of the serial just because of its depthness and not direct practical applicability on issue of war though had applicability on Arjun's knowledge and enlightenment that he himself was doing nothing. He just had to chose by his intellect proper duty for which he had to become only a cause of action (nimitt).
When the tamas software of one robot tries to damage the hardware (through rajas software & hardware) or software of the hardware within LAN area (through rajas software) of other robot by directing its rajas software, mostly it makes the tamas software of the other robot working very fast which generates the macros which are transmitted in the network. Now these macros can be caught by any robot's system in proximity to the one which was the originator of the action. They can then be run in any software (Satva/rajas or tamas) of that recieving robot. Thus, when the receiving robot comes into contact with the robot originating action, it sends the macro back to that robot. (If it is run through tamas software, sinner gets back the fruit of the sin from anyone with the revengeful, damaging, hating or jealous state of mind - Shikhandi. If it is run through satva software, sinner gets back the fruit of the sin from anyone with the state of mind of sense of duty - Arjun. If it is run through rajas software, sinner gets back the fruit of the sin from anyone with the state of mind of desire of getting something in return)

Now the originator will receive the fruit of his action and will automatically download macro only if the rajas software is working (If desires of fruits are present, bad fruits will also be downloaded automatically along with good fruits for which the network connectivity is kept open. The sender of the fruit will generate a macro in the originator (now damaged by action) some new macro which will be relayed in the system. That means your tamas action through rajas software is bound to come back to you as tamas macro through your rajas software only to make your tamas powerful. God has programmed already that thing to happen out of karma theory unless your desires are completely destroyed and you have become one with server software. One (Robot) has to be only the cause (Nimitt maatra with either state of mind) and one would know that reality only through powerful satva software.
Now we all humans are predominantly rajas softwares (Karm yoni). Desires and actions. Satva without rajas (action & desire) is passive and is completely involved in self only (Samadhi) without interacting with others in the network. Tamas without rajas (action & desire) is also passive and can destroy oneself only through laziness, frustration, depression, etc. This becomes the cause of birth in lower intellect bodies appropriate/compatible for it. But our rajas when combined with tamas (Darkness/agnyaan) leads to anger and damaging actions for others and our rajas when combined with satva (Knowledge/light/sense of duty) serves the society and spreads the message of humanity, love and peace in all through action.

Now question is if everything is done by Gunas, then what is there in our hand?

Intellect (Observer & consent giver).

We are given the intellect to educate and control our mind and senses which are the root cause of desires (or organs of desires). We have to drive them towards right kind of desires through our satva. Divine desires. Desire for seeking God/self realization. Bhakti. Love. Whenever our satva (Knowledge) is developed, we have to grow it and make the best use of it by using our mind and senses in involvement. Whenever our tamas is developed, we have to become careful to control it by controlling our mind by keeping them away from attachments.

Among animals, udhyam (Parishram) when they have to hunt or search for food is rajas (Activity). Certain extremely tamas creatures with minimum rajas depend exclusively on other animal's hunt. The beauty and power in them is satva which makes them giving pleasure to man. Some of them serve man as carrier or by giving milk. Some possess sense of loyalty. Some possess sense of giving return.Some possess sense of bravery. Almost all (though not all) possess sense of motherhood and familyhood. Some of them have better memory power than man.

I feel this is the great theory part of Geeta which is not covered in Bhagwad Gita episodes of the serial just because of its depthness and not direct practical applicability on issue of war though had applicability on Arjun's knowledge and enlightenment that he himself was doing nothing. He just had to chose by his intellect proper duty for which he had to become only a cause of action (nimitt).

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